Licence Free Property and Planning Platform

The ultimate planning and property tool. Landcycle is the most accessible and advanced property sourcing tool available in the UK and you can use it for free*. Share your sites and database with unlimited members of your team.

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The UK’s most advanced property sourcing tool

Access to land registry mapping and data, information on properties, including price paid and Energy Performance Certificate (EPC), planning constraints like greenbelt, floodplain, listed buildings and many more. Large strategic site valuations: click on a site over 10 acres and get an instant post planning consent valuation. Comprehensive planning application records with point data on the maps. Check current and historic planning applications in your area and keep abreast of what’s going on around your properties.

Why Landcycle?

Free access

Simply buy credits for extras when needed

Quickly investigate plots and create sites

Comprehensive analytics

Everything you need with no licence fee

Create your own database and automated letters sending system, all in one place, directly from the maps. The best bit, there is no licence fee. Sign up now and get £2.99 free credit to use on address lookups and ordnance survey mapping layer. If you like the system keep using it and if you don’t want to pay for certain aspects, then it won’t cost you a penny. Some prices* apply, but only if you choose to use those services. We only charge for the services that we have to pay for and we pass those charges onto you.

Get started in 30 seconds

Landcycle is free to access. No card details required to register

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